Top 5 Guerlain Must Haves

I have always been a huge fan of Guerlain, just check out my blog history and you’ll notice how I often I take the opportunity to boast about them. Whenever I do a full makeup look, there are always elements of Guerlain that find their way in and recently I did a look that I absolutely fell in love with Guerlain exclusively. Here are the top 5 Guerlain to invest in this year.

I’ve been using the Météorites since the beginning of time. The Light Revealing Pearls of Powder is a blend of a whole bunch of colours that, once applied to the apples of your cheeks (bridge of your nose or even your whole face), attract the light and create a radiant glow. The stardust technology is a harmony of matte, rosy and blue-toned white pearls that catch the light while also giving you that corrective halo.

When it comes to the face, it’s all about the bronzer. The Terracotta Skin Highlighting stick is such a wonderful addition to their line. Making it easier to travel with your bronzer, they’ve taken their basic powder bronzer and put into a stick. Now, no matter where you go, you can bring a touch of sunlight with you.

I created a look I loved on Insta recently and it all started with the eyes. Guerlain put out a line of Mad Eyes that lives up to the intensity it promises. The Intense Liner is a liquid liner that is long-lasting and super easy to apply. In fact, it’s calligraphy-inspired brush allows the finest strokes to be applied even if you’re an amateur makeup artist.  

No look is complete without mascara and some lip balm. The Mascara Buildable Volume Lash by Lash makes a big promise, but it legit delivers. A sweep on this dense mascara and your eyes burst open with that perfect amount of drama and subtly. I know, big promise, but try for yourself and see. The other thing is that if you use this mascara religiously for a few weeks, the fibres of your lashes actually grow stronger, thicker and boosted with curls.


The Balm also has strengthening properties as it hydrates and plumps. Kisskiss Rose Lip Hydrating Plumping Tinted Lip Balm takes care of your lips while also bringing out some colour. As we dive deep into these winter months, our bodies feel the effects of being dried out, between the bitter cold outdoors and the overheated indoors. The only way out is to hydrate!

Sometimes when I create a look I go through my drawers and pull out my standout faves from a bunch of different brands, but then sometimes I challenge myself to stick with one brand to complete an entire look. The results don’t surprise me: when you work with just the one brand, the colours, the textures, and all the other necessary components are all there making the application kind of a seamless no brainer! What are your favourite makeup brands?