Pantry Dreams

Here’s what nobody tells you – cleaning is therapy! There is nothing more cathartic than that moment when you finish cleaning a room in your home, take a step back, and smile a sigh of relief of a job well done.

Lockdown was a lot of things (let’s not go there), but one thing I’ve chosen to walk away with was the silver lining; being home all day was an opportunity to organize my home a la Marie Kondo (thank you Netflix)! I set my sights on my pantry and nabbed some super cute labels from @gabby.musacchio – a local entrepreneur and influencer. I opted for spice labels and pantry labels.

Every cleaning starts with good intentions, but without a plan nothing will ever happen. So before I began getting rid of old stock and taking inventory of what’s essential to keep and what needed to be ditched, I headed over to Amazon, because, well, Amazon.


I bought set of clear jars in all sizes. First a set of 8 which I used for the nuts and seeds. I grabbed some spice jars which were the perfect size to stack on a stand and reach for while cooking. The multi-set came in handy because when it comes to sugars and other baking ingredients, you need a bunch of different sizes – plus it looks nice to have some sets that are all symmetrical (like I did with the almond flour and other cereals) and then others that have dimension and height as I did with my grains.

Minimalistic and simple, there’s nothing more therapeutic than opening your pantry and seeing clean lines and clear jars. Gone are the days when I reach for the flour and realize there’s nothing left! Now I can always see where I’m at and can plan my cooking accordingly.

So we mentioned the clean factor, but did we mention the cute factor? I remember when I saw Khloe Kardashian’s cookie jars and thinking, um, yeah, I need to do that. Well, here we are! I made good on my promise!

Everything is categorized and put away where it belongs. Labeled and kid-friendly, stackable and accessible. Oh and did I mention how much space it saves you! Now the plan is to keep it as clean and organized as day 1… um, check please!