The Gift of dōTERRA

I’ve been doing a whole bunch of stuff to keep my spirit aligned these past few weeks. From gratitude journals and working out to spending quality time with my kids and other family-related activities, I’m trying everything to stay sane and happy. There are a few staple items that have instantly become integrated into my quarantine life – items that have become essential to my mental and emotional wellbeing. One such item is the dōTERRA diffuser (linked here) and essential oils. Since I’ve started using it, I’ve noticed effects on my mental and emotional state. There’s something so calming about diffusing specific scents in the air – it’s shifted my mood and also contributed to anti-stress journey.

Founded in 2008, dōTERRA (which means Gift of the Earth), was formulated by a group of health-care professionals who were set out to find a way to share highly beneficial essential oils with the world at large. Curating a selection olfactory favourites, their essential oils range from smells like the nostalgic scent of woods and citrus to familiar smells of luscious flowers and herbs. There is a power in smell – did you know that our sense of smell is the one most linked to our memory? I’ve become a bit of an aroma expert these days, and I have to say that diffusing each finely developed essential oil from dōTERRA in my home releases a whole slew of thoughts, memories, sensations and feelings. You have got to trust in the power of our relationship to smell. If you’re ready, start with these from my top 5.


Promoting wellness in so many different forms, Peppermint in no stranger to the health world. I use the single oil blend as a massage oil, in my smoothies for a refreshing twist, or in my diffuser to send off energy throughout the house. Peppermint has several therapeutic benefits: everything from inflammation and digestive discomfort to coughs and nausea. Kind of a no-brainer in the times we are living in. I think I have this minty fresh oil in my diffuser at least twice a week.

On Guard

So they’ve got 25 single oils and 10 blends. The On Guard blend  sets off this sweet and spicy aroma in the air. It’s kind of like an all-purpose cleaner (and legit, if you throw it into a spray bottle with some water, it actually works as a cleaner, or even helps boost the fresh scent of your laundry). It’s uplifting and energizing and if you combine it with some hot water and honey, it doubles as an herbal tea.


Another blend is the Balance oil. It’s subtle and promotes harmony and a sense of relaxation. Think spa, massage, yoga… they’ve basically bottled up that smell. Its fragrance is peaceful and grounds you like a nice warm bath, it makes me feel like I’m in the country air. I use this one often in the evenings or whenever I write in my journal.  

Smart & Sassy

The Smart & Sassy (I believe they have recently switched the name from Slim & Sassy) feels more sassy than smart to me, because it’s jam-packed with pungent flavours like grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon. It has this invigorating character that refreshes the air. I’ve had this mixed with honey for an afternoon herbal tea, and I also just throw it in the diffuser and open the windows to feel the refreshing air breeze through my house.


This blend is a pick-me up. A mood elevator, as the name suggests. Elevation is ideal for anyone who wants to feel revitalized. I massage it into my palms and inhale it before a workout. In my diffuser, it works to stimulate a positive energy. I am a huge fan of all things floral and sweet citrus, so this one is kind of my go-to when  want to get morning off to a good start.

Whether I want to kick-start my morning or come down after a long day, I use the powers of smell to take me where I want to go. I use candles, I spray perfume, I fill the air with delicious foods and baked goods, and recently, I use my dōTERRA essential oils to add to my home’s sensation playground. It was a great investment, and if you’re someone who believes in aromatherapy, try dōTERRA and tell me which oils you love!

Photography by Patricia Brochu