Living It Up!

This summer has been all about the basics for me. Whether that means spending even more time with my family up at my country home or keeping my food and meal prep simple and healthy, I have truly re-centered my focus to stay in touch with the things that matter, and sometimes that means shaving away some of the stuff I had gotten caught up with over the past years. 


Scaling back and keeping things simple reminds me so much of Marie Kondo’s Tidying Up book that was such a hit almost a decade ago (by the way she has a TV show out now on Netflix). Fleshing out what matters most and keeping your life clean, simple and decluttered. It might seem like you are cutting important stuff away and are left with less, but the essence of this thought process is that with less, you are in fact getting way more. I just love that.

So, cut to me, up north, enjoying my meditations, daily reflections and yoga practices, indulging in clean eating, lakeside relaxing and sun-soaking. I am surrounded by nature and couldn’t feel more in tune with myself. A few things have remained constant and that is my intense passion for all things fashion related. I am still staying on top of my trend watch as we are full-throttle summer mode, yet forward looking at what’s coming for fall.

Another constant in my life is socializing with my friends and family, enjoying quality time in the outdoor air. We’ve revamped the way we gather, but we gather nonetheless, because connecting is a basic necessity. Every time I get a chance to see my friends, I bring a little luxury to the celebration and there’s nothing like a little Veuve Cliquot to bring everyone together!


I hope you are enjoying this wonderful summer and that you are all in good health and keeping safe. Cheers to enjoying that hot northern sun!

Photography by Patricia Brochu