Maison Lavande

Summer is the perfect season to go on excursions, picnics and outdoor family fun. Recently, I’ve taken to exploring my own city to see what I can discover, and right under my nose, not too far from my home, is a lush field of lavender as far as the eye can see.

I’ve always known that the Maison Lavande had a collection of beauty and household products that are incredibly beneficial and healing, but little did I know that the company had a huge open-air field that is open to the public.

Located in Saint-Eustache, Maison Lavande is a beautiful landscape filled with lavender, open fields, and shops. The House, as the refer to it, makes it super easy and enjoyable to bring your whole family (pet included) for a picnic, a walk, a sunset viewing or just a simple frozen yogurt. You can spend the day or take a slow-paced nature walk and just take in the sights, the smell, and the relaxing vibe.

The season isn’t long, so if you want to take in the multiple benefits of lavender, the time is now! I learned of so many healing properties that lavender has to offer – everything from antiseptic, antibacterial, healing, calming and anti-infective to clearing respiratory passages, soothing burns and insect bites, and reducing headaches and migraines – not to mention that it smells absolutely magnificent! I think the property that most don’t know about that is probably the most relevant in today’s world is that lavender relieves anxiety, nervousness and insomnia – cut to me sipping an iced lavender latte!

The House has been around for over 15 years and offers a wide range of activities during a typical season (think concerts and outdoor entertainment). This year, they had to alter and accommodate our covid-reality, ensuring that people keep their distance, keeping a low number of people at a time, and other safety/hygiene precautions. I walked around feeling relaxed, soothed, and if you know my obsession with yummy smelling things, then you know this activity was one of my favourite ways to spend a day – not to mention their boutiques are filled with unique blends and innovative beauty products and oils.

Maybe it’s because we can’t travel farther than our city’s borders, but something about this summer has me scouring our city for new activities and I am beyond delighted with what our city has to offer – I’m so happy I found Maison Lavande… a hidden gem in our incredible city and I can’t wait to visit again!

Photography by Patricia Brochu