Grey Goose Après Ski Day

I think about how growing up in Quebec. About being between Montreal and the Laurentians my whole life and what winter has always meant to me. The chance to be outdoors, on mountains, racing down hills despite the cold, or because of it. The gift and joy of movement all in the spirit of winter. And then, when the run is done… après ski.

I guess we all have a variation of hot chocolate in the chalet, snowsuits unzipped, rosy cheeks, cold hands. But I reserve those moments and memories for my family. Because when I hit the hill with my hubby, friends, or even solo, my favourite way to spend my afternoon after skiing, is over drinks.

It’s not about the cocktail, it’s not about the drink, it’s about the moment that’s created. Sharing eye contact as we cheers our Grey Goose martinis and savour that first sip in silence. We all do it, we’ve all experienced it, but have you ever taken a moment to just soak it all in?

It’s funny how some drinks pair so well with certain events. Grey Goose après ski, after a long day of chair lifts and races, I enjoy heading back to my home with friends and getting fuzzy by the fire. Chilled glass in hands, ice cubes clinking around, and that first sip of vodka to warm my body up.

Grey Goose is one of those vodkas that can do many things. Martinis, cocktails, or on its own, the taste is smooth and I think it’s because the vodka is crafted with nothing but just two quality ingredients – spring water and single origin wheat from the breadbasket of France (it’s probably why I like it so much… mmm bread!).

From crop to cork, Grey Goose is crafted in France and brings the memory of everything from my night-scene years to vacations and hosting holidays – and now, for my after-ski moments.

I’ve always delighted in a delicious drink with intention. It’s about the experience and I recently learned that Martinis, like many other quintessential drinks, come with their very own etiquette. So when I decided to experiment and prepare an Espresso Martini with Grey Goose, I tried to follow the recipe to a tee.

Grey Goose, espresso, coffee liqueur, a pinch of salt and a couple coffee beans to garnish, I did everything from chilling the glass to shaking vigorously (cue music), and of course – the toast. Because every delicious drink deserves a moment of pause and gratitude.