scented candle

Gifts On-The-Go with Holt Renfrew on line

I hate showing up at friends and family’s houses empty handed. I know firsthand all the planning and stress that comes with putting together a dinner or cocktail party, so I always love to show my gracious host just how appreciated their efforts are, and there’s no better way to show someone you care then by bringing along a perfect packaged magenta bag or box from Holt Renfrew!

Gifts On-The-Go with Holt Renfrew on line

NARS Tahiti Bronze collection

Beauty watch: the new NARS Tahiti Bronze collection.  t was on a magical vacation to Tahiti that I first discovered the wondrous skin benefits of Monoi oil, which is a scented oil that is produced by soaking Tahitian Gardenia petals in coconut oil.

NARS Tahiti Bronze collection