Açai Bowls

Many years ago while I was in LA, I discovered açaï bowls and was so excited to bring it back with my to the city. It didn’t take long for the world to catch up with the treat and honestly, every time I have an açai bowl I feel like I’m having dessert! It’s so sweet and delicious, so decadent and cold, it’s the best recipe for breakfast, snack, or dessert!

Easy, simple and tasty, my kids are also obsessed with açaÏ bowls. I make them in different ways depending on the fruit preferences and of course, I switch up the toppings – anything from homemade granola, sliced banana and fresh berries, shredded coconut, goji berries … sweet and creamy, packed with nutritious elements, I can’t say no when my Neva begs for açaÏ for breakfast – it’s probably my sneakiest way to jam in an antioxidant- and vitamin-rich treat.

Tip: you can defrost the Açai pouch in a bowl of water to make it easier to blend. You can also use frozen bananas or countertop, basically just use what you have! I personally don’t love to have anything too cold in the morning, so a fresh banana is ideal.


Açai Bowls


1 banana (frozen or fresh)

1 cup of frozen blueberries
1 medjool dates, or even 2 if you want it to be sweeter
1 tablespoon of almond butter
1 (100g) açai frozen super or 1 scoop of açai powder
1 tablespoon of baobab
enough water to allow it to blend


Simply place everything in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy (add water if it isn’t smoothing out easily)

Pour into a bowl and pile on the fruits. I use fresh granola and fresh fruit, but you can use coconut, gojis, almond butter or whatever else you love.

Did you know that…
Açai boosts brain function and helps lower cholesterol
Dates are high in fiber, promote brain health and an absolutely delicious natural sweetener
Baobab helps reduce inflammation, makes you feel full so it’s great for weight loss (also because it’s rich in fiber), and helps balance blood sugar levels

Isn’t our natural world just so absolutely filled with little gems!

Bon Appetit!

Photography by Patricia Brochu