A Mother's Day Note

Every year, families all over the world celebrate Mother’s Day as a way to show moms they are loved and appreciated. I know that this year has a different feeling because most of us won’t be able to physically be with our moms, but there are so many ways to show someone you are thinking of them, and this year, Mom, I want you to know I am thinking of you, I am missing you and we all love you more than words can express.


Most of my posts are about beauty and fashion, punctuated by moments of family and lifestyle. But, in my real life, the priority goes the other way around: family first. I learned that from my parents. When I was little, my parents worked a lot – especially early in the morning. But, we were always tended to and cared for by my grandparents. My mom’s parents would take us skiing on the weekends, teach us to cook and always play with us. Well, in the spirit of tradition, my kids have that same beautiful relationship with my mother.


The coolest, most down-to-earth, play Marco-Polo-all-afternoon-in-the-pool kind of Mamie, my kids have the gift of my mother’s energy, positive outlook and bursting heart. When I’m away, she swoops in to tend to my kids and gets right down on the floor with them for everything from a game of cards to colouring. My kids are so lucky to have her, and the truth is, I am so grateful to see how happy they are when she is around.


It’s been hard not seeing her that last little while, and this year has been particularly hard on her, and there is nothing I’ve wanted to do more than to just reach out and hug her. A few weeks ago, my grandmother passed away. My mother was unable to stay by her bedside until finally, the night before my grandmother passed, my mom was given the go-ahead to say goodbye. So today is a particularly hard day for my mom, because it is the first year without her mother. I want to honour her strength and beauty, and I also want to say, Mom, I know we can’t all be together, but know that I am thinking of you and celebrating all that you are.


I remember when I was younger, my mom and I (like most mother-daughter relationships) didn’t always have the easiest time when I was a teenager . We got on well, but we had our moments. I remember thinking that my mother just didn’t understand me or didn’t understand how things worked. And then, I had my own kids. It made me rethink everything about how she was with me, because maybe she did understand, maybe she did know me. I work so hard to cultivate healthy relationships with my daughters, and my hope is that when they are older, we will be the best of friends and that they will have the perspective to know that I tried my best and I loved my fiercest. That’s all a mom can do. I know that now Mom.


This year I want to celebrate Mother’s Day in two ways. I want to take a moment to reflect on what it means to be the best mom I can possibly be. I want to think about it and put it out in the world so as to manifest it for my children. I also want to celebrate today as a daughter. Mom, today, on Mother’s Day, I want you to know that I see you. I see your power, I see your strength, I see the hard times you’ve had behind that big smile you put on your face. I want you to know that you did good. I am happy. And that’s all a mom could ever want for her kids. Thank you for everything you did for me and our family. Sometimes, I catch myself saying things to my kids that you used to say to me and I think, yeah, she really did have it right. 


My life is richer because of you, Mom. Happy birthday – to another 65 wonderful years. I love you and Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mamas out there.

Photography by Patricia Brochu