A Birthday Post

Every birthday is another day for me to reflect back on my year and think about everything I’d like to manifest for the year ahead. While this is a practice I sustain daily with my 5-minute journal and mediation practice, it’s also just a little extra time for self-reflection on my special day. A birthday is a milestone, and like all other milestones, it takes you on a trip through time…


Every year since Lev was born, my birthday has taken on new meaning. Of course with the birth of all my children, I have so much more to be thankful for and my life feels filled with purpose on a whole new level. But, Lev was born the day before my birthday. The day before my 39th birthday, I gave birth to my sweet little, blond-haired, blue-eyed body. And that is a gift I celebrate every year as we blow our candles out alongside one another.

Surrounded by that strong female energy that governs our home, Lev navigates his sense of self and explores his own interests with confidence. Just watching him grow and play, learn about the world and learn more about himself – he makes me smile from ear to ear. He is so calm and curious, yet also rambunctious and well, he plays the role of little brother very well, if you know what I mean (lol!).

His obsession with cars and passion for all things automotive reminds me of my dad. I mean, if you take a look at this little bombshell, his whole demeanour and physique is my mini-dad! When I look at him now, growing bigger and bigger every day, expressing himself with more intention and just maturing in every way, I want to find a way to bottle up his cuddliness and hold him in my arms forever.

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My favourite time of day with all my kids is bedtime. But, putting my son to bed on the night of his birthday signifies so much to me as it marks the eve of my birthday. There’s a blending that occurs there, in that moment as I read him a book and kiss him goodnight, it’s magical and it’s special and I don’t know that I have the perfect words to describe it, but I’m sure, in our twin hearts, my son feels it too. We are connected by something bigger. 

Having Lev was a blessing. After multiple miscarriages and a lot of patience (like a lot of reminding myself not to give up hope and to keep trying…), he was brought to us. Getting pregnant, sustaining a healthy pregnancy and then giving birth to a healthy little boy… the whole thing is a miracle

Lev, I know you know how special you are to me, but a mother can never say it enough: your energy is infectious, your laugh is so tender, your positivity and joie de vivre is a daily reminder of how lucky we all are to be alive, and if it weren’t enough that you are always so true to who you are and always so sweet, you also remind me of one of my most favourite people, and having even a little of my dad shine through you every day is a bigger gift than I could’ve ever asked for. Happy birthday sweetheart!


Today, on my birthday, I just wanted to spread the love and express my gratefulness. Every year, on my birthday I celebrate the perfect gift: my family.  

Photography by Patricia Brochu