The Poetry of Magnolias

When the magnolias bloom, you’re sure to find me nearby. Just the smell, the colours, the beautiful petals and lush fullness of each tree… oh there’s just something about magnolias that really sing to my soul.

I’ve had a thing for magnolias for as far back as I can remember. Every important occasion has been marked by the flower and the symbolism does not escape me. My parents’ anniversary, birthdays, the launch of my blog, so many milestones in my life all happen around the same time as the first magnolias begin to bud. As it’s the first flower to open for the season, it’s no coincidence that the timing aligns, but the poetry of it all gets me every year.

I remember when we lived in our old home. One thing I always intended on doing, but never got around to, was to plant a magnolia tree on our property. I just wanted to mark the season with my favourite flower and I wanted to be able to do that from the comfort of my bedroom window. Lol! But in all honesty, it’s true, I love magnolias that much. When we moved it was winter, so I didn’t know that our new home had a special gift in store for me. Little did I know that come May, two beautiful magnolia trees would bloom on our land. I was like a little girl in Disneyland!

This spring season has been particularly different than all other years (like ever in life, right!?). With 3 young kids, my husband and I have barely had time to sit back and truly relax – like in a physical way, but also in an emotional, stress-free kind of way. There’s been a lot to take in recently, for everyone, everywhere. I am one of the fortunate few who can say that I have the luxury of a not 1 but 2 beautiful homes, and so the last few weeks, my husband and I have mixed things up a little.


After a long stint up north as a family, my eldest daughter communicated with me that she had about enough with the fast life of a big family and asked for some much needed downtime… alone with Mommy. Ask and you shall receive: I threw her into the car, along with my youngest, and we spent a few nights alone in our city home and my husband stayed up north with our second child. I just want to take a moment to pay gratitude to my daughter for gifting me with these precious days of one-on-one time. Something I would’ve never typically done, as we usually travel as a unit.

It must’ve been the stars that aligned, or the magnolias, because it was during my alone time with Lia that we shot outdoor photos for a few upcoming blogs, and as we twirled and laughed together on “set,” I noticed that our backdrop was our magnolia tree. That flower just manages to find its way into all of my precious moments.

I think it’s my favourite flower because I connect so many beautiful moments with it, and this past week alone with my big girl is yet another precious memory I can add to my bank.

Photography by Patricia Brochu